Managing money?  Owning a car?  Shopping for groceries? Doing laundry?

Everything I needed to know, I didn't learn in school.

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Adulting is hard, but it doesn't have to be.

Maybe you are an adult, but not really feeling like one.  Or, you might be a grown-up hoping to lead a child into the real world a little more prepared for life.  Whatever the case may be, you are in the right place!  Because I feel like there’s a lot we don’t learn in all of those years of school, and I’m here to fill in the gaps.   Welcome and let me know how I can help!

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Coming Soon! Beginner's Guide to Money

From your first bank account to building good credits, everything you need to know to start off in the right direction.

So much of what we learn about money is based on experience – but why trip and fall along the way when you can have a straightforward guide that teaches you the basics?  Coming in the fall of 2020!

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